Being an Englishman, I like crumpets; being daft, I nearly killed myself toasting them. Crumpets are just a bit too thick for the average toaster and my old Argos special was very much on the skinny side, for several years I have been prising them free with a metal knife but last time I forgot to unplug it first. BANG FLASH.

Since I survived, and still had half a pack of crumpets left, I fortified myself with a strong coffee and then had a look to see what Amazon had available for next-day delivery.
After parting with £24, a nice new WIDE toaster now sits gleaming on my worktop, complete with chrome sides. A Morphy Richarrd 224407 Evoke (whoever makes this shit up?) to be precise and it seems to be crumpet friendly.
I'm not too fussed about the removable crumb tray and do miss the on-light that it does not have but hey-ho, it is a toaster and toast it does. It is also quite attractive for a toaster.
Oh, it can apparently do things with frozen stuff too, I've no idea why that would be useful.