Since I started cycling I've mainly been doing short journeys or longer ones with a few days off in between.
I have had ongoing problems with my legs which resulted in an operation a couple of years ago and the recovery from that has been slower than I would like (seems to have started improving when I started cycling). Last week I was finally discharged from outpatients so thought I'd celebrate by trying a bit harder and spending more time on my bike for a week at the cost of other things.
I have several bikes but mainly use an eMTB which is tough but very heavy and not ideal for long distances so obviously that was the weapon of choice for the week as it gives me time to look about, I'm never going to be a head-down road cyclist.
End result; managed to break my personal ride records both for distance and climbing along with totals of 165 miles in distance and 8,500 feet climbed over 13.5 hours of riding including some pretty wet weather. Hardly a world beater but I'm very happy with it.
The challenge now is to keep doing at least some trips when the dark nights and cold wet weather arrive. The lights are on order.
